Vital Pulp Therapy

At Southern Endodontic Specialists, we believe in doing everything possible to preserve the health of your natural teeth. Vital pulp therapy in Houma and Thibodaux is one of the most effective treatments for saving a tooth with damaged or infected pulp. This innovative procedure helps restore the health of the tooth by maintaining the vitality of the affected pulp, reducing the need for more invasive treatments such as root canals. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity issues, Dr. Benjamin Ber and Dr. Steven Gaudet are experts in delivering high-quality endodontic care, including vital pulp therapy.

What is Vital Pulp Therapy?

Vital pulp therapy in Houma and Thibodaux is a dental procedure designed to treat and preserve a tooth whose pulp tissue has decay, trauma, or infection. However, the primary goal is to keep the remaining healthy pulp alive and functional, allowing the tooth to continue to develop (in younger patients) or to remain healthy and functional (in adults). Plus, the treatment is especially effective for children and teens with developing teeth but can also benefit adults by preventing further damage and the need for more complex dental procedures.

Additionally, the procedure involves removing only the damaged or infected portion of the pulp and applying a biocompatible material to stimulate the healing and regeneration of the remaining pulp tissue. Therefore, the tooth is then restored with a crown or filling to protect it from future damage.

Who Can Benefit from Vital Pulp Therapy?

We most often recommend vital pulp therapy for patients with the following conditions:

  • Deep tooth decay that has reached the pulp but has not destroyed it.
  • Traumatic injuries to the tooth that expose or damage the pulp tissue.
  • Cracked or fractured teeth where the pulp is still vital and capable of healing.
  • Maintaining pulp vitality is crucial for continued growth and health in children with developing teeth.

However, Dr. Ber and Dr. Gaudet will carefully evaluate your condition using diagnostic tools like X-rays to determine whether vital pulp therapy in Houma and Thibodaux is the right treatment for you.

The Benefits of Vital Pulp Therapy in Houma

There are several advantages to opting for vital pulp therapy over other dental treatments:

  1. Preservation of Natural Teeth: First, one of the most significant benefits of this therapy is that it allows the tooth to remain in place, preserving its function and appearance. Moreover, keeping your natural teeth is always preferable to extraction or more invasive treatments.
  2. Less Invasive: Next, unlike an entire root canal, vital pulp therapy in Thibodaux is a less invasive procedure that focuses on preserving the healthy portion of the pulp while removing only the damaged tissue.
  3. Cost-Effective: Furthermore, since this procedure often prevents the need for more complex treatments, such as a root canal or tooth extraction, it can be a more affordable option in the long run.
  4. Promotes Healing: Finally, vital pulp therapy in Houma encourages natural healing within the tooth by promoting the regeneration of healthy pulp tissue, which in turn helps maintain the health of the tooth’s structure.

Why Choose Southern Endodontic Specialists?

At Southern Endodontic Specialists, we prioritize patient comfort and the preservation of natural teeth. Dr. Benjamin Ber and Dr. Steven Gaudet provide advanced endodontic treatments, including vital pulp therapy, with a gentle and caring approach. However, our Houma and Thibodaux offices have state-of-the-art technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments, and we take pride in offering personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Plus, we also understand that dental visits can be stressful for some patients, which is why we offer anxiety-reducing medications to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

The Vital Pulp Therapy Procedure

The procedure for vital pulp therapy in Houma is straightforward, and we can usually complete it in just one visit to Southern Endodontic Specialists. Here’s what you can expect:

Evaluation and Diagnosis: 

Dr. Benjamin Ber or Dr. Steven Gaudet will thoroughly examine the affected tooth. Diagnostic X-rays will help determine the extent of the damage and whether the pulp is still vital and capable of being saved.

Local Anesthesia and Anxiety-Reducing Medications: 

To ensure a painless procedure, we will administer local anesthesia. If you’re feeling anxious about the treatment, our office provides anxiety-reducing medications to help you feel more at ease.

Removal of Damaged Pulp: 

Once the area is numb, the dentist will remove the infected or damaged portion of the pulp. The healthy pulp tissue will remain intact to encourage healing and regeneration.

Application of Biocompatible Material: 

After we remove the damaged pulp, we apply a special material (often calcium hydroxide or MTA) to the remaining healthy pulp. This material helps promote healing and protects the tooth from future infection.


We can have the tooth restored with a crown or a filling to seal and protect it from further damage. This restoration ensures that the tooth remains strong and functional.


After the procedure, Dr. Ber or Dr. Gaudet will schedule follow-up visits to monitor the healing process and ensure that the tooth remains healthy.

Vital Pulp Therapy in Houma and Thibodaux

If you’re experiencing tooth pain or suspect you may have an issue with the pulp of your tooth, don’t wait. Contact Southern Endodontic Specialists today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Benjamin Ber or Dr. Steven Gaudet. Our team is here to help you explore your treatment options, including vital pulp therapy, and restore your smile to its best health.